Wheeler Kids covers littles from the most wee folks through 5th grade.
Ms Erin Arnold is Wheeler Kids Coordinator
Ms. Tracey Pierson is the Learning Nursery Coordinator.
With the help of a small army of friendly helpers, children are offered the love of Christ through learning, play, art, music, and worship.
In 2024, Wheeler UMC made a pivotal change for Wheeler Kids ages PK-5th grade. Space was made in the sanctuary for a dedicated worship space for children in that age range for tables, chairs, and book cases. The Grace Space kiddos are shepherded through the service by caring adults. A brief time of learning is shared which includes scripture, hands on crafts, andGrace Space at the Altar with Pastor Tony. Children at the Grace Space table participate in the service, in GS activities, and then play quietly with manipulatives, puzzles, and art. Learning Nursery attendees come in for Grace Space at the Altar as well.
Children are a crucial part of our faith community. Caring for them in the best possible way is essential. Creating an environment that is comforting and age appropriate is key to children seeing the worship experience as normative and desirable. Children who participate in Grace Space come to feel ownership in the worship experience, are less fearful, and more likely to continue to participate as they grow older. It becomes much more “their church”. As Ms. Sarah shared, “” Being able to experience worship through the eyes of a child has brought revival into our sanctuary. As I sit at the Grace Space table with tiny hands and tiny voices praying big prayers, I look out at the faces of members across different generations who helped build this church up long before these children were born. I see the past, the present, and the future of Wheeler United Methodist Church, all worshipping together and experiencing God’s amazing love and presence. Can you imagine anything more impactful?”
There is space at the Table for your family!
This afternoon of fun on Palm Sunday afternoon includes